Thursday, October 30, 2014

Just added 2 more work sheets + made the EPF portion better for (1):
Google Sheets contains:
1. Crystal ball gazing into your financial future based on your yearly savings, EPF savings, etc VS retirement age, retirement lifestyle cost, other 7 specific goals' costs, etc
2. Asset allocation planning

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Just created this on Google Sheets for my team member to "see" and play-with, for visualizing & planning her future cash flow.

Thus - thought it'd be useful to others too.
Please note:
1. Please make a copy to your own Google sheets in order to edit at your own private pleasure.
U won't be able to edit the version i shared.
To make a copy: File >> Make a copy

2. EPF variables - specifically tailored to Malaysia
If U do not have any such items (it's like 401K, CPF, etc), just zero-rise the variables.

3. Goals 2 to 7:
If U do not have them, zero-rise them.

4. Does NOT calculate taxes on investment or trading returns.
Please factor taxes in to get the net returns pa % expected.

5. Focus on Column D, Row 14 onwards - this is the cash-related investments that will be funding your retirement and goals.
If the row's cell is NOT red, U should be ok.
Red = no more investments to fund anything from that year/row onwards

6. Anything else?
drop me a line here and i'll see if i can incorporate the idea OR clarify usage of existing.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Ah... nearly 2 years have zipped by... and things have been chugging along still.
No severe fear (just greed in markets) until recently in Sep/Oct 2014.

These 24+/- months:
  1. Median net worth growth was about 15%-26% based on a 12 months' moving median.
  2. Average net worth growth was about 11%-18% based on a 12 months' moving average. 
Looks like growth from frugal living (savings) being an impact on net worth growth is diminishing as net worth gets higher.
ie Salary has stagnated but cost of living, even frugally, has increased.
Sigh.. what to do, slave to my bosses.

Bottom line:
I'll have to explore other avenues of net worth growth, active or passive,
as salary stagnation Vs cost of living is hit
+ value equity buys are harder to come by with markets going up & up and away (until recent Sep/Oct 2014 hiccup).

Please note - this post is not to brag but to share
a. If we track it, we can manage it better (look at corporations & business world)
b. As we track it, we will "see the light at the end of the tunnel", and it's not an oncoming train
c. Simplify, save and invest consistently and holistically.

Just a thought.